Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day 4 - 10th September - Battambang and CCT

We arrived in Battambang after a 200km trip that took four hours - the road was a mess of mud, clay, unfinished bridges, and heavily-laden trucks coming from the Thai border and sliding all over the road. Only photos can do justice to this, so stay tuned, and eventually some photos will be posted.

Oh, the small pickup trucks with about 20 people all over them must also be mentioned - and the motorbikes: carrying anything from lives pigs on their backs to three thousand rolls of plastic rope precariously balanced in giant mounds on the back of the bike.

Our hotel, the Banan (named after the nearby ancient temple), is a wonderful French building redecorated with Khmer art. Almost everything is made of carved wood with a shine so glossy you can almost see your face in it.

Jedtha, the CCT director, came to show us where to go, so we finally made the trip to meet the CCT family.

It was great to get there and be mobbed by happy, excited children. This was the goal for our trip, and I'm sure no-one was disappointed. Gifts were given, words shared and Hai was high! My word, is he a little dynamo! He stands about three feet tall, and is like an untied balloon that has been blown up and let go - darting here and there, bouncing off things, making noises... And I'm sure that the kookaburra toy he received - which laughs when you squeeze it - is going to drive everyone completely bonkers! But that was Sinet's idea... so we can blame her!

After an hour and half of mayhem, we headed back to the Banan and to bed, with the comfort of knowing that for four days we don't have to travel, and that we can finally do a little bit of relaxing!


Lee said...

OK, so this is a bit delayed but those architectural types you see on TV pronounce `bas relief` like the fish. Or the Strait, if that helps. And that thing `sey tawat` or whatever has to be hacky sack right? Or did I miss the boat on this...

Deon said...

Hacky sack - very close... but it's not a sack...